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2024/01/11 Harajuku Mocha Cat Cafe
π 2024-01-11 01:01 in Cats, Japan
I had a bit of time around Harajuku during 24H in Tokyo, so I popped in a local cat café:

how to handle cats :)
how to handle cats :)

See more images for Harajuku Mocha Cat Cafe
2023/11/06 Phuket Up 2 You Cat Cafe
π 2023-11-06 01:01 in Cats, Thailand, Thailand2023
I had an hour left to walk around Phuket, and right at the end, saw a small cat café. Couldn't help but to pop in for 10mn in exchange for all the loose change I had left :)

The cats were lovely, all rescues including a tripod cat and one eyed cat:

See more images for Phuket Up 2 You Cat Cafe
2021/07/01 More Foster Kittens
π 2021-07-01 01:01 in Cats
After my first set of lovely foster kittens, I got a 2nd set where two abandonned kitties were added to the litter (yes, they look different), and the mother was accepting enough to fed all 6. The smallest one was very small and a bit sickly when I first got it, and was weighed every few days until she finally was able to eat solid food.

so small
so small

the mother was very nice and nicely agreed to feed 2 kittens that weren't hers
the mother was very nice and nicely agreed to feed 2 kittens that weren't hers

the whole family of 6 kittens
the whole family of 6 kittens

Eventually, it was time for a fair amount of travel, so I had to give them back for them to go to the next foster family, but that month was a lot of fun:

Video summary:

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2021/05/01 Foster Kittens
π 2021-05-01 01:01 in Cats
It had been a while since I got to foster kittens. Being sheltered at home during covid was a great time. I got 5 lovely kittens of mixed breed, and got them used to humans and well socialized:


getting used to the grounds
getting used to the grounds

I soon learned to contain the mess in boxes :)
I soon learned to contain the mess in boxes :)

I was happy to get this big amazon box to contain the mess a little bit more. Kittens learned to jump in and out
I was happy to get this big amazon box to contain the mess a little bit more. Kittens learned to jump in and out

I got multiple guests to play with them :)
I got multiple guests to play with them :)

I like this picture and many don't notice what's unusual about it
I like this picture and many don't notice what's unusual about it

required roomba training
required roomba training

hiding from roomba
hiding from roomba

more guests
more guests

I tried to give them some air, but the tape didn't work
I tried to give them some air, but the tape didn't work

they didn't care at all, thankfully they didn't damage the screen
they didn't care at all, thankfully they didn't damage the screen

kitty pile
kitty pile

After a while, they were ready for cat fairs, one got adopted there:

this was the lucky winner
this was the lucky winner

I had multiple guests come see the other kittens, until they finally found new homes:

they sure had grown by then
they sure had grown by then

this was the lucky family that adopted another one
this was the lucky family that adopted another one

arturo didn't take any, why? :)
arturo didn't take any, why? :)

the last 2 found a lucky home with a friend of a TFSF friend in SF (thanks Benjamin)
the last 2 found a lucky home with a friend of a TFSF friend in SF (thanks Benjamin)

And just like that, my 5 little kittens, that had grown quite a bit, got adopted. Here's a video summary:

See more images for Foster Kittens
2020/01/13 Gold Coast Crazy Cat Cafe
π 2020-01-13 01:01 in Cats
While in Surfers Paradise (Australia's Gold Coast), I noticed a cat café while driving by in the tram, so I went to say hello :)
It was end of day, so the cats were kind of tired of human interaction, but took time to take a few pictures:

they had a man page :)
they had a man page :)

found myself a lap chat :)
found myself a lap chat :)

very cool: blue eye and yellow eye
very cool: blue eye and yellow eye

See more images for Gold Coast Crazy Cat Cafe
2019/06/24 De Poezenboot, Cat Boat, in Amsterdam
π 2019-06-24 01:01 in Cats
That was not quite a cat café, but a no kill shelter in Amsterdam that happens to be on a house boat. To help pay for their bills, they allow visitors a few hours every week, and it's pretty popular with long waits outside:

2017/11/06 2 cat cafés in Hong Kong
π 2017-11-06 01:01 in Cats
There were 3 in the area I was visiting that night. One was closed, the other one had a couple of cats walking around while being more of a café serving lots of food and drink options, and the 3rd one was more of the Japanse kind of cat café, but with fewer cats that were awake:

See more images for 2 cat cafés in Hong Kong
2017/05/24 KitTea Cat Cafe
π 2017-05-24 01:01 in Cats
Jennifer and I finally were in San Francisco on a day other than Tuesday when KitTea Cafe is closed, so we went to check it out:

Jennifer made a good friend there:

See more images for KitTea Cat Cafe
2017/01/03 Cafe des Chats in Paris
π 2017-01-03 01:01 in Cats
During our time in Paris, I figured we'd go check out a somewhat new cat café in Paris (one out of only two). By the time we arrived, we found out that it was actually kind of a real café/restaurant with a proper menu, and somehow they are allowed to serve food with cats roaming around.
There was however a line to get in, and once in people were actually expected to order food or at least a drink and stay at their table with maybe cats that could come by you, or not. It didn't seem like you could roam around and go find the cats to pet them.

Clearly that looked underwhelming compared to other cat cafés we've been to, so we didn't bother going in. I just took a few pictures from the outside:

See more images for Cafe des Chats in Paris
2016/07/26 Two Cat Cafes in Osaka: Cat Tail and Neko no Jikan
π 2016-07-26 01:01 in Cats, Japan, Japan2016, Ntrips, Trips
For our last half day in Japan, Osaka, we went to a couple of Cat Cafés in the Namba area. We started with Cat Tail, where I had not been before, so we fixed that:

that cat was definitely happy to see its first customers of the day :)
that cat was definitely happy to see its first customers of the day :)

While Jennifer was busy renting her lap to the sweet russian blue, I went to check the other cats:

poor thing, looks sad :)
poor thing, looks sad :)

weird those cats that keep their ears down
weird those cats that keep their ears down

usually, it means they're sad/unhappy, but I guess not with those breeds
usually, it means they're sad/unhappy, but I guess not with those breeds

the cat carrying a cat, is carrying a cat :)
the cat carrying a cat, is carrying a cat :)

in the meantime, Jennifer was still busy with her cat :)
in the meantime, Jennifer was still busy with her cat :)

After almost an hour, we moved to another café: Neko no Jikan. I had been there before, but only a mere 12mn just before they were closing, so it was nice to spend a bit more time. They definitely have very exotic cats, but they are not super friendly, even to their first customers in the morning:

lion cat
lion cat

another lion cat :)
another lion cat :)

It was fun to see those cats before having to go back to the airport.

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