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2014/01/19 Sydney in a half day
π 2014-01-19 01:01 in Australia, Ntrips, Trips

After our successful Sydney in a day last year, we tried Sydney in a half day this time :)

This was not really a plan to spend so little time in Sydney, but with our flights it worked out that way, we got a hellish red eye from Perth, and I figured it'd be more fun to spend 6 hours in Sydney than sit in the airport.

We went to the botanical gardens after stopping by Google to drop our luggage:

I had brought seeds to feed the cockatoos we saw last year. I love those birds:

I finally found some customers
I finally found some customers

an interested customer :)
an interested customer :)

it brought a twig to exchange for seeds :)
it brought a twig to exchange for seeds :)

The video shows how one wasn't shy at all, but the two other ones really wanted the seeds, but were too shy to take them from our hands. Per Jennifer didn't get them to eat from her hand this year.

These are Sulphur-crested Cockatoos and many have been tagged so that people can report sightings on this Cockatoo Wingtag facebook page. They're fun and intelligent birds from what people have been reporting.

From there it was just a short walk to circular quay where we went to get a jet boat ride:

The jet boat ride was fun and wet (I know, what were the odds? :). That boat had enough power to do 360 turns in the water. Cool way to see the Sydney harbour :)

Last, but not least, we went to Google for lunch, and I got a few pictures from there, and then from the Sydney airport before flying home:

See more images for Sydney in a half day

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