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2016/12/30 Bruxelles Autoworld
π 2016-12-30 01:01 in Belgium, Cars, Ncars
While in Bruxelles, we went to check out Autoworld, which turned out to be a really good. Two floors filled with cars, mostly European, some quite rare, some unique. I spent a couple of hours there while Jennifer was waiting for me, and it was time well spent.

double tire, interesting
double tire, interesting

This electric 'car' was the fastest one in the world in 1899*, at 105kph
This electric 'car' was the fastest one in the world in 1899*, at 105kph

pretty colors :)
pretty colors :)

fancy futuristic car :)
fancy futuristic car :)


damn, a citroen-maserati, didn't even know those existed
damn, a citroen-maserati, didn't even know those existed


The belgians, kings of comic books, even had comic strips portraying a race car driver.

Bruxelles Autoworld, if you're anywhere close, go see it.

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