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2022/02/13 Snowy And Half Covid Shut Down Montreal
π 2022-02-13 01:01 in Canada, Ntrips
In the past, I've spent an extra day in Montreal to visit, but this year, many things were shutdown, and the nice restaurants that were open, had limited hours that didn't match mine. So, between the damn cold weather, and many things shut down, it was not my best time in Montreal :)

Oh and getting to canada kind of sucked, outside of the typical vaccinate + PCR test requirement, they had a separate and completely useless arrivecan app that asked you a 2nd time, in a completely different system, the same info you had already given the same government, to board the plane. Of course, the app and the website both failed for me, so I went through a bunch of extra crap to enter the country. Could have been worse though, the lucky that got selected for yet another covid test on entry, ended up in a 2H line before they could enter the country:

honestly all this feels utterly pointless by now
honestly all this feels utterly pointless by now

But eh, there was snow, so there is that:

cool thing I spotted from the plane, people built an ice racetrack on the frozen river
cool thing I spotted from the plane, people built an ice racetrack on the frozen river

I braved the cold to go see the beautiful cathedral again, and it was closed, sigh
I braved the cold to go see the beautiful cathedral again, and it was closed, sigh

Bonsecour market opened late (11:00) and not much was open inside
Bonsecour market opened late (11:00) and not much was open inside

there was a boat spa that was open
there was a boat spa that was open

Nico met me for a nice lunch
Nico met me for a nice lunch

and we went to play with his train :)
and we went to play with his train :)

After I was done with the ice experience, we had a reasonable snow dump, made driving back a bit more fun :)

you can drag your kid in the streets
you can drag your kid in the streets

I met my friends again for lunch befoe heading back to the airport:

Nico met me for a nice lunch
Nico met me for a nice lunch

and they dragged the kid back home :)
and they dragged the kid back home :)

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