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2024/04/16 Learning about HBOT/Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
π 2024-04-16 01:01 in Hbot
I know this is a bit fringe, but given what happened, it's interesting enough to share. I've been seeing a sleep specialist and he tested me for frequency of brainwaves which is some new fancy way to check brain function. He guessed that because my graphs with that machine were not great, it could indeed impact my sleep and overall showed decreased brain efficiency. No, it doesn't measure thetons, he didn't throw me in a volcano, and he's an proper MD :) He then treated me with his own TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) for a bunch of sessions, retested my brain map, and had to admit his sessions did not help at all, so at least he was honest.

Then he recommended I try hyperbaric sessons (HBOT) and since it was the 2nd time it was recommended to me (last time was because of visible brain edges that were dark on a SPECT scan likely due to previous falls/near concussions, some likely came from bad snowboarding falls when I snapped my neck pretty badly after catching an edge when I was a beginner), I figured why the hell not.

After just 14 sessions with another practitioner I picked myself (the 2 are not related or have financial relationship), I went back to that first doctor to get another brain map, and he could not believe the results, as in he had never seen such an improvement in a person, after having failed himself to get anything better with his own treatments.

I did a lot of research on chambers, hard vs soft, 2.0 ATA vs 1.5 ATA, and for those treatments, realized that paying $110 or so per treatment for a soft chamber was a much better deal. It was also nice to be able to do the treatments while having my cell phone or laptop, which is forbidden in hard chambers due to obsolete rules and undue fears about fire risk, which ultimately is such a small risk (less than one in a million) that knowing how to get out of the chamber in a few seconds is really the only thing you need safety wise.

Since I had no idea if the treatments did any good, seeing a measurable improvement on a graph that got my first doctor excited enough that he now wants to get his own HBOT chamber for his own patients, was pretty cool.

I then did a lot more reading and video watching, and did find that HBOT has lots of promises, including healing from certain kinds of injury, helping with slowing down or reversing aging to some extent:

  • https://aviv-clinics.com/blog/brain-health/for-the-first-time-hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-proven-to-reverse-biological-aging-in-humans
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35821512
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38076538
  • https://www.aging-us.com/article/202188/text

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