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2012/07/30 Cleaning Solar Panels
π 2012-07-30 01:01 in Solar
I had been doing a better job in the past on cleaning our solar panels last years and I got a bit lazy this year. That was stupid, they had a layer for dust pigeon poop, and other crap.
It took an hour with water hoses, a broom, and dishwasher liquid, but the effort was worth it.

I only have a week's worth of data and it's weather dependent, but the peak production number averaged over a week went from 4542 Watts to 4964 Watts, and the daily production went from 30.3Kwh/day to 34.9Kwh/day.
That may have been 300Kwh to 500Kwh that have been lost due to dirty panels.

Moral of the story: don't be lazy :)

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