Marc's Public Blog - Solar Power

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2019/03/11 Ten Years of Solar Panels
π 2019-03-11 01:01 in Solar
Well, it's been our 10 year anniversary for our solar panels. Time to add up the numbers. Again, due to our new electricity company that does not send true statements anymore, I don't have good numbers on how much we're paying, but it's pretty close to $0.

In 10 years:

  • we took 13,323 Kwh from the grid, which is pretty much what we use in a year
  • Our PV system generated 84,607 Kwh
  • Given that our panels made 84 Mwh, which at an average of 25c/Kwh would have cost $21,000, likely more due to time of use pricing and at this point, it seems pretty clear that we've more or less repaid the price of the panels while not adding CO2 to the world.

    Year #          PV Kwh  PG&E Kwh Used   House Kwh Used  Yearly Bill	EV (car)	
    2010 - #1	8503	1602		10105		-$39.87	
    2011 - #2	8813	1209		10022		-$38.80	
    2012 - #3	8402	674		9076		-$110.43	
    2013 - #4	8366	486		8852		-$134.06	
    2014 - #5	8840	-30		8810		-$210.74	
    2015 - #6	8665	1027		9692		-$41.38	
    2016 - #7	8437	1386		9823		?
    2017 - #8	8335	1910		10245		$26.21		613Kwh
    2018 - #9	8665	1922		10250		?		209Kwh
    2019 - #10	7918	3038		10956		?		865Kwh

    Total 84607 13323 97831 N/A 1687Kwh

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