The Electronic Music Guide is a pretty complete site that lists more kinds of electronic music that you knew existed (ignore the introduction, just click on the music genres on the left).
The author clearly hates most of the music I like (including the entire trance section), but the categorization of all the genres is pretty incredible work, and some comments are hilarious:
"if there is anyone who is responsible for the complete and thorough pussification of trance, making it offensively lame to the point where not only newbie ravers but also their soccer moms could enjoy it, it's Robert Miles .... This isn't trance, this is like that crappy background music on the TV listings channel that tells you what's playing on the other channels"
"good god, does this ever suck. The way megatrance producers shamelessly crash in on a particular sound is insulting sometimes. How can anyone take this trite, derivative garbage seriously?"
"Epic Trance is the gateway genre in the world of rave for most people, so if you have any form of music to blame for raves hitting the mainstream, this is it. Right here, And that, my friends, really, truly, terribly sucks. There must be a word to describe the pain one feels when witnessing (or hearing rather) something once pure and brilliant completely sold down the river ... The average attention span, way too ritalin-freaked to pay attention to the slow, brooding trance in its original form,..., and that's why all your trance crackers are reading this right now"
Is it bad if those descriptions go above the trance genres that I happen to like? Does that make me a bad person? :)