And if you are curious about my LED outfit, you can read more about it on my led peacock engineer medium post and if you'd like to read all my festivals or dreamstate, or clubbing posts, please click on the links higher on the page to get taken to those categories.
After the loss of Ruby Skye, it was great to have another venue along with Verso (and 1015). It's conveniently located close to the freeway and plenty of street parking.
The venue was also very laid back, which was duly appreciated.
The main room is not huge, but of reasonable size. The top floor room is much smaller though. I'm also afraid that many people may not have noticed the stairs to it, in the back.
The decors have potential, they put work into them, but I think they'll have to put more work into driving them during the performances (lights and lasers were present, but didn't feel used too much). The good news is that, it'll be easily fixed :)
The lineup was solid:
Ferry Tayle
Jordan Suckley
Gene Xander
Alastair james
Jonn Connor
Christopher Terrance
Martin Cisco
I was only able to stay awake long enough to stay until 03:00, and here are some pictures below:
Ferry Tayle
Jordan Suckley
40mn summary of most of the night (22:00 to 03:00):
While randomly looking at Google Maps on my phone for an upcoming trip to London, I got a reminder to go check out Ministry of Sound, a legendary club for anyone who's been listening to essential mix back to the early 2000's when many trance mixes were played, and some came from that club.
The small problem, was that going to a club all night between a 12h+ day of sightseeing and 4 more such days right after that, was not the best timing ever, but at the same time, it was not an opportunity I wanted to miss. So, after leaving the V&A Museum when it closed at 22:00, I went straight to Ministry of Sound which was opening at 22:30, and only got back to bed around 03:00 or so. I was not in good shape the next day, but so be it :)
Ministry of Sound is an interesting club, it's not huge, but has 4 different rooms, with the main room being totally packed when Andrew was playing. Sadly, as a state of affairs in London, and the radical inclusion, they end up having to search everyone everywhere to pretty severe extremes. They had TSA style gates with full searches, making getting in a lot less fun...
Anyway, once in, I had a good time, and glad I went despite what it cost me in lost sleep :)