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2018-11-23 01:01
in Clubbing, Dreamstate, Festivals
So, you're thinking I've gone crazy already, but follow my reasoning: EDC Vegas is awesome, but 3 days is gruesome, never mind from 19:00 to 06:00 or somesuch (usually not back at the room before 07:30 and sleeping by 08:00 just to get up again between 14:00 and 16:00 for another round). It's like an 8h timechange overnight for 3 days, and even if you use "help" to stay awake, that doesn't really work 3 days in most cases.
This is why Dreamstate Socal is a great event: 2 days is more manageable, and it was nice to have it start as early as 16:30 and end at 02:00, making it less of a timeshift. It was also nice to walk back to my hotel room in 20mn as opposed to spending 75-120mn getting back from EDC to a room.
The lineup was solid, with 3 stages (one being psytrance), it was impossible to get bored.
Nicely decorated venue:
Plenty of people were lit:
my sonic hedgehog found a friend :)
Great to run into friends again:
Day #1:
Video summary of day #1:
And that was it for Day #1, after some well needed sleep, I was there bright and early at 16:30 for Day #2 and Niko's set that was starting earlier than originally planned:
we ended with Gareth Emery's laserface
Video summary of day #2:
And just like this, after 18h30 over 2 days, it was over. It may not quite be EDC, but honestly the lineup and the music were great, and it was a lot easier/cheaper to attend. Heartily recommended. Hopefully I'll see you all for the next one:
It's now been ages since I first saw PvD at 1015 in 2001 and then he was back at 1015 in 2004. It was great to see him again there. Not only that, but my friends Blurr and Triode, as well as Sonic Fuzion were also spinning that night. All 4 rooms were going:
While it's not my main music, I have a soft spot for Drum and Bass, especially since I first listened to Pendulum on essential mix more than 10 years ago.
Sadly, Pendulum started playing late (00:30) for only 90mn's worth, a bit underwhelming to say the least, but the set was good, using good old vynil no less.
Thankfully, Steven Ross, Kowta, and Dirtyphonics before him, gave good set too:
By 00:30, Pendulum finally showed up
It was a good set, glad to have seen him for the first time in SF.