And if you are curious about my LED outfit, you can read more about it on my led peacock engineer medium post and if you'd like to read all my festivals or dreamstate, or clubbing posts, please click on the links higher on the page to get taken to those categories.
Can't believe it was my first party of the year, but it was. Thanks a mil to David Lewis (Blurr) for inviting me. Thanks to Opel Productions for the party.
DJ Blurr running the decks
Syd came next
he came prepared for the cold, thanks burning man
plenty of burning man crowd, they were also prepared (yes, it was actually cold as balls)
Triode and Blurr, enjoying the party
As the sun was setting, Dave Dresden came on. Great to see club quarantine ouside of a computer screen:
This was not a trance event, but Dave played a bit for us anyway (thanks Dave):
This was also my first time to try my brand new high resolution outfit, now with 2 computers, and 4 times more pixels. It needs a bit of work still (plus a ridiculous amount of improvements I already have in mind for it), but it worked, yeah!